Log title media
Learn how to log media files beneath a movie title.
Before you can start utilising accsyn media capabilities, files and folders on your accsyn cloud storage needs to be logged (ingested) into the workspace media database.
Log on to the accsyn desktop app as an user having administrator or employee role.
Have a title created.
Usually, logging begins with the master files. In this example we will log a Prores 422 HQ HD master:
Go to the MEDIA tab.
Click on Show title folder contents in the lower right corner.
All files and folders beneath the title will be listed, select the master file (Parasize_FTR_25_20-51_Master.mov). To upload files to a title, click the upload button or use the TRANSFER tool in accsyn.
Click the orange Log media button in the toolbar.
The media will be probed using ffprobe, to be able to suggest tags and save it for later evaluations such as duration.
The tag selection panel will be updated with suggested tags based on filename and probed metadata.
The media logger panel we show up:
Adjust the tags, adding more helpful tags as needed. Use the Tail tag entry to add a custom tag value to the media.
Finally click Ingest media to have it logged in your accsyn workspace, the media will be moved from the Untagged folder into its designated final folder (Feature in the example above).
Important notes:
From this point on, do not move or delete the file/folder on storage as this will break the connection/link between media and actual file.
Edit media tags
Once logged, the media tags can be altered:
Select the media in the list.
Right click and choose Edit or click the three-dot context menu icon at right hand side of media and choose Edit.
The editor panel will show up, and the tag selector panel will align itself with the media.
Adjust the tags accordingly, if needed - change the tail tag.
Click Save button to save the updated tagging.
Repeat the steps above to log all media to the title, when done - follow this guide to get going working with media.