Create a title

Getting started creating your first title and upload media to accsyn.


Create title

Example screenshot of title creation in accsyn.

Title attributes:

Any attributes you feel are missing? Reach out to us and we will add them.

A standard title sub-folder structure is deployed when a new title is created, making it easy to get started organizing your media deliverables:

Description of the folders:

Later when title media is tagged, more folders will be created with names based on the type and category of the media like for example "dcp", "vod" an so on.

Upload title media

Once the title is created you are ready to upload the associated media into the folder structure. If you are unsure about the content and want to sort it afterwards, or want accsyn Lab staff to categorise the media - upload to the 10.ORIGINAL folder. Otherwise arrange and upload into the appropriate folders:

To verify that all media has been uploaded, go to the MEDIA tab and click on the title. No media should appear but if you click Show title folder contents in the lower right corner. The title folder contents should be listed.

You are now ready to start logging your first media!