Monitor and manage deliveries

This guide explains how to manage your deliveries - check if recipients have responded and modify them.


Monitor delivery

Logon to accsyn in your web browser and go to Outbound section and then click the delivery you want to monitor.

Screenshot of the delivery status view

The delivery is presented in the following way:

Read logs

The delivery has a log that can be investigated in order to find out what has happened within the lifecycle of delivery, useful for debugging purposes and security audits. 

To access the log from Outbound page, click on the three-dot icon on the right hand side of delivery and choose Log from the menu. On the delivery status page, the log can be opened by clicking the View logs button.

Each file transfer also have an associated log, it can be viewed by clicking the log icon on the right hand side of each recipient.

Manage delivery

Notify recipients

By default, recipients that has not actioned deliveries are notified automatically twice:

Note: When delivery expires, the files will be kept on storage for another 4h after they will be permanently deleted. This applies to standard deliveries uploaded to a temp space, when delivering permanent files residing on the accsyn Cloud storage or BYOS storage, files will not be touched.

To manually notify a recipient, click the paperplane button on the right hand side of the recipient in the Pending section. A remainder email will be dispatched to user, if they do not receive it - have them check their spam filters.

Add more recipients

At any time, more recipients can be added to a delivery/upload request. Open the delivery and click the ADD RECIPIENTS button in the Pending section. A prompt will be displayed were you can enter one or more email addresses, press TAB to add and enter the next address and so on. Finish up by clicking INVITE RECIPIENTS.

New recipients will be sent an email with a link to the delivery, with clear instructions on how to download or upload files.  

Remove recipients

To remove a recipient, click the cross button on the the right hand side of the recipient, a confirm prompt will be displayed. 

Edit delivery

To edit a delivery, click Edit from the delivery context menu or lick the pen button in upper right corner of delivery status page.

Files can not be added once a delivery have been created, but you can change:

Troubleshoot a delivery

Usually, deliveries goes smoothly. But sometimes users need help getting their files downloaded, or uploaded to a request:

If you have further issues with deliveries that can't be resolved, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team either through Chat or email.

Delete/abort delivery

To delete a delivery, either choose Delete from the delivery context menu (three-dot icon on Outbound page) or click the trashcan icon when editing delivery.