Tutorial - Cloud file server

Rev 1.002, 2020.08.20

How to read this tutorial


This tutorial is targeted:

Wishing to:

This tutorial is a complete walkthrough covering:

Note: In this tutorial we are relying on Amazon AWS for cloud infrastructure, the process is similar for setting up Accsyn in other cloud environments such as Google Cloud Platform och Microsoft Azure. 


Creating the server

We assume you:


The server is now being launched, meanwhile we setup the S3 bucket.

Creating the storage

You can of course use an existing AWS S3 bucket, mount any preferred cloud storage or even increase the server local disk space to harbor your files. In this tutorial, we will create a dedicated S3 bucket for the purpose:

To be able to access the S3 bucket, we need to create policy:

We recommend creating a separate user for accessing the bucket:

If you wish to use an existing user:

Policy JSON:


    "Version": "2012-10-17",

    "Statement": [


            "Effect": "Allow",

            "Action": [



            "Resource": [





            "Effect": "Allow",

            "Action": [





            "Resource": [






We are now ready to mount the S3 bucket at your EC2 instance.

Connecting storage to server

First we need to logon to your newly created EC2 instance for the first time:

We will mount the S3 bucket with fuse and the s3fs filessystem, which needs to be installed:

git clone https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse.git

cd s3fs-fuse


./configure --prefix=/usr --with-openssl


sudo make install

Verify by running: which s3fs, it should show a path (/usr/bin/s3fs).

Finally, mount the S3 bucket:

(Optional) Have bucket mounted when directory is accessed (autofs, recommended as s3 buckets tends to dismount over time):

(Optional) Make sure filesystem is mounted on boot:

You are now ready to install Accsyn.

Install Accsyn

The following guide is a short summary of the installation process described in detail here: Accsyn Admin Manual

By now you have a fully working file transfer solution that can be used by external user to receive and send back large file packages at high speed (i.e. an accelerated encrypted FTP server replacement). We are now going to continue and show how to transmit a couple of files to a user.

Transmitting files to client

First you would want to invite your employee to Accsyn that is supposed to coordinate file transfers, in this tutorial emelie@mycorp.com. We will utilise this account below when transmitting files:

Next, have employee download and install the Accsyn desktop app - required for communicating files with your Accsyn server in the cloud:

Lets now assume your employee have a movie file on her desktop called named A001_C011_09187Ia.mp4 that is to sent to client john@mail.com:


For a complete guide on how to manage Accsyn on a day-to-day basis, check out our Manager Guide.

Further actions to take from here

Thanks for reading this tutorial, contact support@accsyn.com if you have specific questions. For more resources and tutorials, please head over to https://support.accsyn.com.