Manager Guide

Rev 1.004, 20.11.20

This guide covers basic day-to-day administrative tasks such as inviting users, sending files and sharing directories.

Additional resources: 

- The manual for setting up accsyn on your premises can found here: Admin Manual

- The user manual on how to use accsyn desktop client and web application can be found here: User Manual


What is accsyn?

accsyn is a SaaS (Software as a Service) MFT (Managed File Transfer) solution for secure and fast delivery of large file packages with metadata across your organization over Internet or private WAN - a replacement for outdated insecure file services like FTP/WWW delivery, using an algorithm similar to *nix RSYNC.  Accsyn is designed to be easily integrated into your workflow using a Python API and/or CLI and/or . Please head over to for a complete description on Accsyn features.  The name Accsyn is shorthand for for Secure Accelerated Data Synchronisation. 

How does it work?

Accsyn is in its simplest form a Java software client that sends a package of files and metadata from point A to B, over the Internet or VPN WAN, orchestrated by a cloud software component and its  web application interface. accsyn serves files beneath "root shares" which is the base folder defined during installation, "shares" are then being created below root share to give users access to files. Each user are given a "home share" by default were they can upload files, it's located @ subfolder <root share>/accsyn/<email> by default.

Who can manage accsyn?

Besides administrators, users having the "Employee" built-in accsyn role can perform the management operations described in this guide. If you are an administrator and wish to delegate these tasks, simply invite the employee you wish to be able to manage accsyn - typically a coordinator or a project manager.

Receive files - invite users

Depending on how your accsyn is configured, there are multiple ways to have remote users send files and metadata to your organisation:

Auto join

The quick and easy way to board users, with minimal effort from your side - perfect for outside office hour uploads were you have limited computer access.


Simply send the link to your accsyn domain and tell user to join and upload the file(s), here is an sample template email/SMS (leave out the password part if no auto join password is configured):

Hello, please join and upload your file here:, use this password when prompted: abcd1234


Note:  With auto join turned off, users can still request to join. Administrators will get an email were they can choose to accept or deny join request.

Manual invite

When auto join is disabled or you simply want to make it easier for a user to get on board.


The user will get an email with instructions on how to activate their account and install the accsyn desktop application.

Invite to a share

When you want to direct the new user to upload to a certain location, could be a project directory, instead of their home share.

Note: If automatic home share creating is disabled within accsyn, this is the only option to enable your users to upload files.

Invite to a new share: 

Invite to an existing share: 

In both cases, the user will get an email with instructions on how to activate their account and install the accsyn desktop application. During upload, user will have access to the share you created above and be able to browse down into eventual directories you created.

Invite during send

When sending file/directories, new users can be invited within the process. See chapter below.

Send file(s) to user

Besides being able to download files from shares, users can receive files you can send them.

User can preview the following file types through web browser prior to download: .mp4 .jpg .tiff .png .pdf .svg .ico .ogg .mkv .jpeg .apng .bmp .gif .txt .html .json .xml .wav .webm

Send using desktop application:

Send using web browser:

User will receive an email with instructions on how to download the package, using desktop app (accelerated) or using web browser (if less than 5GB).

Project queues

For those who have multiple projects and a lot of ongoing file transfers, you can structure file transfer into project queues. This also gives the opportunity to prioritise traffic among projects.


From now on, all these jobs will be put in your queue when:

For more information on how to administrate accsyn, please refer to the Admin Manual.